Hey friends, 👋

It’s pretty funny that you signed up to learn about using AI to boost productivity, and here I am, feeling anything but productive. (speaking of being productive… short on time? read a condensed version of this newsletter here


I’ve been dealing with a major issue on Convert Kit, the platform I use to manage subscriptions, which is stopping over half of my subscribers from confirming their subscriptions. 


It’s been a real setback, so for now, I’m sending this directly from my Gmail.


It got me thinking about how technology can be a double-edged sword. 


It’s supposed to save us time, but here I am, spending hours trying to fix these problems, including endless support chats, research, and troubleshooting. 


My goal is to share time-saving tips with you, but it’s tough when I’m stuck in these tech dilemmas. I’m starting to feel like a bit of an imposter!


Anyway, let’s dive in…


🧑‍🤝‍🧑 The Human Element 

This newsletter is all about being more human and using AI to our advantage. 


I want to blend the two seamlessly, so I’ll do my best to keep it real every step of the way.


Family Focus
Speaking of humans one of my goals with this newsletter is to help you use AI to have more time with the humans you love.

I’ve been guiding executive teams to leverage AI’s potential through Circle Consulting, long before AI became a popular term. Now, I hope to share this expertise with a wider audience, from stay-at-home parents to entrepreneurs, who seek to enhance their lives using AI, without any cost—completely free.


However, Saturday, while I was struggling with these tech issues, I was only half-present at an art festival with the humans I love the most, glued to my phone.


My three-year-old, who’s quite adventurous (I might lovingly call her “feral”), saw my distraction as an opportunity to explore, leading to a minor family crisis. I’ll be honest; I momentarily lost sight of her, and thankfully, it was my wife who found her. 


This incident made me realize I need to switch off and be fully present with my family. When it’s time to work, that’s when I can fully engage with the robots. 


It’s hard to do both at once.


💡Human Productivity Spotlight 

In the past week, I’ve been using a fantastic productivity booster called the “Cena Training System” by Patient Cena the “African Rhino” himself.


Even though I have a YMCA membership, I’ve rarely used it, except for a few swim sessions during my triathlon training—though I didn’t even compete due to catching COVID. 


Patient is from the Congo, but we met in Thailand 10 years ago, and I consider him family now. He custom built a workout plan tailored to my tight schedule since I can’t make it to the YMCA. It’s focused on bodyweight exercises. 


I’ve committed to following it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, involving 45-minute bodyweight workouts. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, I go for runs, and Sundays are reserved for Stand-Up Paddle Boarding.


Patient has offered a free consultation to anyone reading this, and if you’re interested in 1:1 personal training, just mention my name here. Plus, if you want to try his on-demand course, you can get a 15% discount by messaging him through his website here and mention my name.


This daily exercise routine is already paying off. I’m more mindful of my diet (though I still indulge in leftover Halloween candy), and for the first time, I’m waking up with the sun every morning before my alarm goes off. That’s a massive change for someone who’s hit the snooze button my entire life.


Commitment & Accountability 

But it’s not just about the physical routine; it’s about commitment. I’m part of a group called CIRCLE where we set 1-3 goals and commit to 1-3 daily actions to achieve them. We check in with each other via text before midnight to confirm our daily actions. This commitment has been a game-changer.


While tools like Patient’s training platform and Telegram for check-ins are handy, the real magic comes from the commitment I’ve made to myself and the accountability from the group. If I miss check-ins for three consecutive days, I’m temporarily out of the group until the next cohort starts. This structure keeps me motivated and on track. 


Let me know if you’re interested in joining the next cohort simply email me at [email protected] with the “circle” as the subject and I will send you deets. 


AI and Humanity 


Why am I sharing this, you may be asking?


I came here to learn about AI!


Let’s be clear.


Humans built AI. 


Humans all over the world (millions of workers are training AI models for pennies) are running the systems behind chatGPT and other AI tools. 


You cannot separate humanity or human intelligence from artificial intelligence.


❤️ My Favorite Things This Week:


🎥 Video

I was absolutely captivated by the OpenAI Developer’s Day Keynote this week. The pace of AI development is mind-blowing! 


If you’re thinking about replacing your day job, growing your business, or starting a side hustle, diving into AI software development is a no-brainer.


It’s quickly becoming a game-changer. 


People often ask me about building wealth, and instead of the usual property investments like duplexes (I’m happy to explain why I think they might not be a great idea, or why I think you should at least start with a quadplex), I recommend learning how to develop AI applications. 


It’s at the top of my list for wealth-building strategies and now you can do it with no coding knowledge.


🛠️ AI Tool

With so many options like ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Claude, and Elon Musk’s Grok, it’s tough to keep up. As I’m writing this I’m thinking I will need to make this section a highlight of my top tools just to keep up. 


Right now, my favorite is Khanmigo by Khan Academy. While many think of homeschooling as simply doing traditional school at home, I’ve taken a different approach because school was boring, not engaging, and simply not useful for life to me. 


I unschool my kids but my wife hates that name so now call it “private education”.


My daughter is using 10web.io to build her own website for her art business, just in time for the Christmas card rush. I think it’s better to teach her how to start and run her own business rather than just focusing on memorizing stuff for tests. 

Don’t get me wrong, I think education is super important, but I believe it should really help the person who’s learning.


Tools like Khan Academy and Synthesis Tutor have been invaluable in our “private education” journey. Khanmigo, their new AI tutor, is exceptional—check out this video of my daughter using it to craft a story. 

It’s a must-see for any parent concerned about their child’s education.

You can watch the video of my daughter interacting with Khanamigo [here]


📟 Physical Product 

On my health journey, I’ve come to realize that you cannot manage what you do not measure. 


At 42, I’m focusing on managing my health to ensure another 42 years. I switched from a Coros Watch to the Garmin Sapphire at the advice of my triathlon coach, Martin


It took some getting used to, but now it’s invaluable, tracking everything from running, swimming, biking, and even Stand Up Paddle Boarding


Speaking of which, I’ve recently become obsessed with it and even bought a used Blackfin. 


Apps like Strava, Wanderer, and Relive complement the Garmin well, with Relive creating engaging videos like this one [here]


🌟 Featured Human of The Week

I’m thrilled to introduce you to Carina Szabo, an amazing addition to our Forge Institute team and a veteran who’s making a real difference. 


Carina, who’s with us through the Skill Bridge program, quickly picks up new skills and excels at sharing her knowledge with the team. 


I can’t wait to sit down for an interview with her soon, but first, let’s take a peek at how she’s thriving with Forge and her AI side hustles.


🛠️ Carina’s Go-To AI Tools


Namelix: Crafting the Perfect Name

“When I’m brainstorming names for new business ventures, I turn to Namelix. It’s incredible how it generates unique and relevant names based on my input keywords. It really helps me visualize and refine my brand’s identity in a way that feels personal and authentic.”


ChatGPT: My Daily Go-To for Almost Everything

ChatGPT has become an essential part of my daily routine. With its latest upgrades, including web browsing, it’s like having a digital assistant by my side. Whether I’m researching, learning new things, or sparking up creative ideas, ChatGPT is my one-stop-shop. It’s a tool that continually amazes me with its endless possibilities.”


Canva Magic Tool: Unleashing Creativity with Ease

“For all things design, I absolutely love Canva’s Magic Tool. It simplifies complex tasks and is incredibly user-friendly. Whether I’m creating business cards, flyers, eBooks, or just adding a creative touch to my projects, it transforms my visions into reality, making everything I design look professional and unique.”


Subscribe to the YouTube channel [here] for our full interview with Carina, where she’ll dive deeper into her experiences and how these AI tools have been a game-changer in her professional life.


✍️ Quote of the Week

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth; the learned find themselves equipped for a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer


About 20 years ago, my friend Kristian Echols put it this way, “Learners inherit the land because the learned are only capable of running a world that no longer exists.”


💡 This quote seemed like the perfect fit for this newsletter, given the massive tech transformation we’re witnessing and participating in. 


The internet itself is barely 30 years old – we’re just getting started. I often hear regrets like missing out on starting a YouTube channel or building an e-commerce site. But here’s the thing – it’s not too late. 


Right now, anyone can learn to build AI apps, even without coding experience. 


Imagine creating an app, charging $10 a month, and getting 1,000 subscribers. That’s $10,000 a month! 


Insider tip: I’m currently developing three apps myself. Sneak peek: an easy-to-use bedtime story app is one of them so I can let my kids build their own bedtime stories easier than using ChatGPT. 


Another one solves a problem that 95% of professionals have and I am shocked no one has created a solution for this yet. It’s never too late. 


🌐 Community Spotlight: Get Featured!

Are you doing something awesome with AI? Or maybe you’ve got an AI tool that’s just too good not to share? I’d love to feature you in Sunday Synthesis! 

Just reply to this email. Tell me your AI story, recommend a tool, or let me know how your business is using AI to make life easier and more human. Can’t wait to hear from you!


Podcast Preview 

🎙️ Have you ever dabbled in building your own AI tool? If you have, I’m genuinely curious about your experiences, and I’d be thrilled to chat with you on our upcoming podcast.  

Your insights could bring a unique and personal touch to our discussions. Would you be up for sharing your journey with us?


📺 Want to learn some other ways myself and others are using AI? Check out my YouTube channel!


I’ve simply been hitting the record button on Zoom to share what I know – no high-end equipment needed.  

And you know what? If you’ve got something to teach, you should jump in too! (not sure where to start? hit reply and write “YouTube” and I will help you) 


👇 Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find 👇

  • How to tweak your resume to nail that specific job [view here
  • Tips to spice up your LinkedIn profile and get recruiters’ attention [view here]
  • Crafting magical bedtime stories that your kids will adore [view here]
  • Turning simple text into jaw-dropping images [view here]
  • Creating a website in a snap (like, 60 seconds fast!) [view here]
  • Designing workout plans that feel like they’re made just for you [view here]
  • And there’s so much more [view here]

📧 I’d love to hear what you think of this newsletter. I promise to read every response and reply as soon as I can. How does this first version come across to you? Also, if you found it helpful, would you mind passing it along to a few friends who might enjoy it too? Maybe give them a nudge to subscribe. Thanks a bunch!


Feel free to be straightforward – my friend Dennis McIntee shared a quote with me over 20 years ago that still holds true today: “The thing we need the most but get the least is constructive feedback about our own behavior,” or in this case, “constructive feedback about our own newsletter!” Haha!


Fast and Curious: Snatch Your chatGPT+ Freebie Before It’s Gone!

You’ve made it to the finish line – high five! Ready for your trophy? 


Enjoy 90 days of chatGPT+ on us, with a cool rate of $20 a month afterward if you’re game.


Speedy Gonzales needed: chat.openai.com/invite/16AB85AF9


Runner-up gets the crown too: chat.openai.com/invite/B2FDD3F69

Just a heads-up: I’m not pocketing any cash from this. 


chatGPT handed me three golden tickets, and one’s already made a buddy of mine grin.


Now it’s your shot! 🚀🎁

📬 Feeling overwhelmed by emails? I totally get it. If you decide to say goodbye with an “unsubscribe,”I might shed a tear when I see the notification, but I’m here to make your inbox a happier place 😢👋

📍 303 Main St, Dunedin, FL, 34698

I’m all about keeping things real and human as we grow this community together. My team and I are putting our hearts into this, working on it during our nights and weekends, outside our regular day jobs. 

You can always reach me by emailing [email protected] or sending a text to 727-270-1815 (just text for now, please)


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